Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Mom, My BFF

I found this cute little quote on Pinterest and loved it. 
It could not be more true.

My Mom is my BFF! We love to shop together, drink coffee together, we talk on the phone at least 3 times a day, and we have dinner together once a week, if not more! That is only because I ask everyday what she is having for dinner and invite myself over! We are so much alike in so many ways. If you ask my brothers and sisters or my friends they will most likely say "You are just like Mom!" and I'm ok with that!

Growing up, if people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I  remember saying "I want to be a Mom...just like my Mom!" She packed our lunches with a smile on her face every morning, with her freshly done hair and make-up {umm..i can barely brush my teeth, how did she get all ready everyday with so many kids?!?!?!} She had yummy treats waiting for us when we got home from school, a delicious dinner on the table every night, laundry was always going, homework was always being done, neighbor kids were always coming over and needed extra attention and snacks, and she still made time to dote on my Dad, she was busy 24/7! She made taking us to church every Sunday and Wednesday a priority, which is a huge job in itself. She prayed with us, laughed with us, disciplined us, and loved us a lot. 

{One of my favorite pictures of my Mom}

Sometimes I compare myself to her and feel like I can not live up to all that she is. My house is literally always a mess, I do laundry twice a week and I am not the best cook, but I am working on that. {wink}  Her housekeeping skills might not of rubbed off on me but the way to love your children did. She lived her life for us and made a lot of sacrifices over the years for all of us. I feel that I am the Mom I am today, because of her.

One of my favorite memories with her was when my she would let me stay  home from school to bake Christmas cookies. We would bake all day then frost them for hours. We did that almost every year that I was in school growing up. I also loved when we would go grocery shopping together. Sometimes that was her only alone time and she would let me tag along. We would go up and down the isles at Fisher's and I'd always stop at the bakery for my complimentary tea cookie. {Those are still my favorite cookies ever.}

She loves and adores my kids, and they all adore her. She has spent sleepless nights with them so I could rest, she makes the best puppy chow around town, is always on the floor playing with them, and is such a wonderful Mimi!!


Here is the picture I snuck of you the other day Mom! I know you love when I take your picture! :)

Capri is my little BFF too! Praying it stays that way!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

You know you're a mom when..... #momlife

Just in case you didn't already know...

You know you're a mom when....

Taking a trip to Target is like a vacation 
{that e-card that was circulating was so right}

You look out of the shower curtain and see a crying baby...or another tiny human.

Your selfies look like this.

You can relate to this is no joke.

You wear jeans instead of leggings and people ask you why you are dressed up.
 {true story..and this is literally the only pic i have of myself in jeans lately..ha.}

One of your favorite snacks is a juice box and some animal crackers.

You have notes like this on your counter. I must of deleted the note that actually said "look nice for party tonight."

Some days you don't brush your teeth until 10 pm {gross, but it happens}

You dress up like an elf and sit on a shelf.
 {in other words, you're kinda crazy}

You are beyond tired but stay up late to have some "downtime" before the craziness starts the next day. TV and a snack is my go to!

You hide in the closet and eat candy.

The best part of waking up is "Folgers in your cup."



Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just a cup of coffee

I wanted to share why I started Toasty Tuesday. I feel like so many people contribute to their own family and what is important to them and as a mom, I contribute to my kids and husband everyday. I guess by buying someone a cup of coffee it makes me think I am somehow contributing to the "world" in this self centered day of age! People are so consumed in their own lives and get so wrapped up in everyday life they forget about the simple things they can do for others. Someone mentioned that they hope the person they buy coffee for would some day return the favor for someone else in need. I don't think its a matter of "need" as far as money. It doesn't matter if the person in line behind me drives a BMW or a beater, people are in need of kindness everyday!

I went through McDonald's at the end of  December and bought the person's coffee behind me. I never look back to see the person's reaction because I don't want them to think I am looking for a thank you. Sometimes I will try and sneak a peek through my rear view mirror just to see if it puts a smile on their face. Anyway, with the way the windows were set up, I paid, then she came through the line to pay, and there was still someone at the window in front of me. We had to sit there for a bit before i could drive off. She was inching closer and closer to me....then I heard "honk"....."honk".... "honk" so I looked back because I knew she was trying to get my attention. Instead of seeing a smile she was crying! She kept mouthing to me "Why did you do that?.....Why?"  I just smiled and waved and said "Have a great day! Happy New Year!" She continued to inch closer and closer to my car and would not stop thanking me and saying "God Bless You! Thank you!" still with tears in her eyes. Sometimes I think people view Toasty Tuesday as just buying someone a cup of coffee....and it is! But sometimes it is so much more! You never know what people go through day to day, and this is just one way to show someone that there are sweet and caring people in the world!

Here are some of my favorite quotes about doing acts of kindness for others:

Don't forget that the last Toasty Tuesday before Spring starts is this Tuesday, March 18th! I hope you will be participating with me along with a bunch of others! 

I am hoping it will have this effect:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

kids say the funniest things

oh my goodness, my boys sure do crack me up!

here are just a few things they have said or done over the past  year to make us laugh. some days if you don't laugh about the crazy stuff they say and do, you'll cry. so why not laugh? to love them!

hunter {5 years old}  noticed the other day that he was getting hair on his legs. 
hunter: mom, look at this hair on my legs!
me: yep, you do have hair on your legs. do you see hair on your arms too?
hunter: ya.
me: well, some day your legs will get even more hair, so will your arms, you will grow a mustache and some day you will even get hair on your little nutsies {why not just put it all out there at a young age, haha}
h: ewwwwww mom......i don't want to get a mustache. that is gross to have hair on your face.
{shawn and i were laughing so hard that he overlooked that he will get hair you know where}

carter {4 years old}is such a sweetheart and has bad dreams occasionally. we pray every night and always tell him that Jesus will always be there to watch over him and protect him and that he lives in his heart. he woke up one morning and said this: mommy, last night when i was sleeping a lion came in my room!! i didn't want him to get me so Jesus jumped out of my heart and got him! then i said "thank you Jesus!"

carter:mommy, when i was in your belly, did i wear floaties?

my brother micah stopped over the other night, and on his way out the door he looked over at all the kids and said to shawn "can you believe these four kids are yours? 
hunter: we are not all his!
shawn: which one of you isn't mine? :) 

hunter: mom, i'm tired of having 4 kids! i have to do everything around here!

the kids and i were watching toy story 3 and i told them i will miss them and probably cry when they go to college!
carter: but why mom? boys don't go to college! girls do! girls go to college to get more knowledge and boys go to jupiter to get more stupider!

me:hunter, you start school back tomorrow!  {after a snow break}
hunter: i know, but i don't want to go back.
me: you have to buddy! you need to go to school to learn things for when you grow up and become an adult!
hunter: i know what adults do.... they do hair, work on a computer, talk on the phone and get vasectomys. is that how you say it? a vasectomy?

we were on vacation walking out of ron jon and there were two people smoking:
me: hunter and carter, never ever smoke! it is so bad for your body!
hunter: mom, you always tell me that! you told me 3 months ago!
me: i know, i just  never want you to!
hunter: have you ever seen me smoke mom?
me: no!
hunter: then you can stop telling me not to smoke!

you know you are desperate for a shower when your hubby gives you the night off to go 
shopping and you decide to shower instead! shawn told me to lock the door so the kids would leave me alone, but then i hear:
carter: mommy, what are you doing?
hunter: carter, leave mommy alone! she is taking a shower! hey mom, the door is locked!
me: i know!
hunter: but why? can you see my fingers under the door? 

we were talking about milk and cows when hunter says:
how do you get milk out of cows? from those little wieners on their belly?

 i have to end this post with this. i mean there are no words for what i thought when i got the first picture while out to eat with my friends.

hunter shaved a strip of hair down carter's head while he was sitting on the potty! there was no way to fix this besides shaving the rest!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

we are still having fun and he's still the one

Shawn and i will be together 14 years on january 29th. it is pure craziness. sometimes i still feel like we are 16 and on our first date, then i remember i'm almost 30 and we are about to have our 4th babe. 

i debated on doing a blog all about our high school love story, but i remembered i did that last year, you can read it by clicking here.

we are still having fun and he is still the one.

we REALLY are still having fun. we actually spend time together.
he is still the one and that is because we actually talk to each other.

i know i've said before we had a rocky 3 months where he'd come home from work, i'd pass the kids off on him so i could maybe get 5 minutes to myself, then i'd come back downstairs irritated that he didn't take out the trash..... i mean can men not really see the trash overflowing? {wink}...... one night we sat down and had the "i feel like we are roommates " talk. probably a convo LOTS of people have....A LOT of times. what was different about this talk? we actually made changes. we didn't just talk about it, we acted on it. even when we didn't feel like it.

 i was talking to a friend about what marriage is all about and it really is all about giving...100% of the time. even when you had a bad day at work, even when you have sleepless nights and are up with your baby, even when you think that he should of done this.....or she should of done that....even when you are "pms'ing" and so moody "because it's that time of the month"....{yes, i just went there}. if i feel myself getting upset about something i literally have to think to myself "don't be a biatch" {sorry for saying that word mom, haha}
 give 100% all of the time, give all of your kindness, give all of your patience, give all of your love, give all of yourself.... Even when we feel like the other person has stopped giving their 100%. yes, that is hard at times but no one ever said that marriage isn't work. if you didn't show up for work some days, there would be some serious problems. same goes for your marriage. We work hard on this everyday. 

ok, on a happy note,  happy "dating" anniversary to my sweet husband. thank you for being so selfless and giving of your self 100% of the time, you make life fun and i am still over the moon in love with you. thank you for making me a priority in your life.

i'm still having fun, and you are still the one....even after all these years....and four kids later....and even after you take out the trash but never put a liner in... haha 

this was our 1 year "dating" anniversary

p.s shawn- sorry if i'm cranky the next few weeks from getting no sleep from YOUR baby. haha

here is a little video i made: i'm not the most computer savvy and couldn't figure out how to get the song "we are still having fun, and you are still the one" :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014


what is a super mom?

 my first thought is a mom who wakes up at 5 am to go work out, then comes home to shower, does her make-up, makes her bed, and then starts to wake up her kids with the fresh aroma of cinnamon rolls in the oven...can't forget about something healthy...maybe some fresh juiced oranges, apples, carrots and kale. she then dresses her kids in the cutest clothes, perfectly matching, and gets in her spotless SUV to drive them to school 5 minutes early each day..... when she gets home she scrubs the floor while the younger kids entertain themselves and she throws in loads of laundry through the day so that her pile of laundry is never more than a tiny bit...... i could go on and on but who really wants to hear about all that?!? not me...because it's not a reality for me.

i hear the word supermom so much and find myself calling other moms that often! i think every mom is supermom in her own way....maybe you can accomplish the above paragraph, and kudos to you! but not every mom can be like that. maybe this whole post is just about making me feel better {wink}

this is my reality...
 i sleep until 5 minutes before i have to wake up the kids {most times because i am up in the night with a kid}, i drag my booty outta bed and glance in the mirror at my crazy bedhead and think, i'll do my hair later....i throw on whatever fits and what is comfy {esp being 9 months preggo right now} then i go into the boys room and say good morning guys, let's get up on time so we have time for breakfast, i pick out carter's clothes, and let hunter pick out his own most days, we head down stairs to watch some toons and the babe soon wakes up, i get her outta the crib, change her, get her a bottle, pack a lunch {which i know could be way more healthy some days} look at the clock and start the count down.... we have to leave in 5 minutes, get your shoes guys...oh ya...breakfast,  here is some dry cereal in a bag or a granola bar kids, lol, come on guys, get in the car so we aren't late...wait...where is your coat? you cant find it? ugh...i run through the house looking like a mad woman {BTW, i do have to say i have never dropped hunter off late at school, yay me}i drop hunt off at school, come home and play with the kids, catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and remember i forgot to do my hair...i end up fluffing it a bit or throwing it a bun , i get the kids a snack and plop down on the floor with my cold cup of coffee thinking about how my laundry is a mile hilgh in the basement, we might play a game in between changing Capri's diapers, and making lunch dishes may sit until the babe goes down for a nap....i might get them done, and get to pee in peace, read a book to carter then capri is up again. we play and play some more while i think of my long to do list...some days i will get it all done in an hour but some days i will just play with the kids all day....  and think "why cant i be super mom and do it all?"

ok, so that isn't all days! but that is half of them !!! some days i feel like i have my supermom moments,when i get up an hour early to shower and make the kids cute mickey mouse pancakes..... start dinner in the crock pot and pack the perfectly balanced lunch! when i have those days...i usually share it with the world...because it rarely happens! as much as id like my days to go "perfect," they don't! but that's the mom-life! 

i remember building this snowman with the boys and thinking "this is the worst snowman ever" but now i look back and think "the boys loved it! and although it was hideous, at least their mama was outside building it with them"

as i look at this pic, i could see two things....
one of those days i didn't do my make-up and stayed in my robe, or as a whole day i loved on my sweet kids

this day i felt like a huge preggo in a bathing suit. it pretty much gave me wedgie because it was so small, {haha, that's the truth} but i got in my bathing suit and took my babes swimming,with my "not so perfect gym body"

the irresponsible mom that didn't get my kid in bed on a timely manner for school the next day
 the mom that "broke the rules" for a fun memory?

the mom that lets her "kids take over the house" and shouldn't 
the mom that teaches her kids, {who now will probably tell their kids} how to tell if pasta is really done.....only one way, to throw it on the wall and see if it sticks :)

the mom who was up all night with a babe and who "let herself go" and went in public like this
 the mom who didn't let her not having make-up on stop her from taking her kids somewhere fun {disclaimer...dear Lord, i sure hope i did something with my hair that day}

the mom who is making excuses why her house is a mess
a mom who didn't feel like getting a thing done that day?
...ok, that would be both.

ok, give me credit, my preggo self took all the kids to the grocery store...haha....supermom status! :)

the mom who held it together on vacation, while she had no time to do her hair, her babe wouldn't keep a bow on, and i was too rushed to pick her out a cute outfit, hunter was not happy
{no nap that day} and carter literally pee'd all over his pants at the restaurant and had to sit in his undies and socks because he soaked his shoes too! whew! at least my hubby looks cute and i'm still smiling! :)

its all about perspective!
just remember the days you feel like nothing has gotten the end of the day if you love your kids the best you can, that's what makes you supermom....well, and a shower at least 3 times a week! {wink}

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SIMPLY GIVE: Toasty Tuesday with a Twist

this past saturday, hunter and i went to big lots and on the way out, the sweetest bell ringer came over and gave hunter a candy cane. we told him thank you and that we were just about to go out to put some money in his bucket. he said he was on a break so he could warm up! i asked him how often he is out there and if we could bring him a coffee or hot chocolate to make him nice and toasty. he told me "no thank you" but that was really nice and he works monday - thursday from 9- 8. 

my friend katie said that one year she and her kids delivered hot chocolate to bell ringers and i loved that idea. she would make it like a game with her kids, when they would spot a bell ringer, they would all be so excited and run a hot chocolate up to them. i have to say the past 2 years i have been kinda bummed because every time i offer, they just say no thank you. but i never had had it in my hand when i ask, i usually have to go get it and drop it back off. i think most of them said no because they didn't want to inconvenience me, or so they thought.

so today, carter and i went thru dunkin' for our tuesday donut run and instead of paying for the person's coffee behind us like we usually do on tuesdays, we decided to take hot chocolate to someone else. and that so happened to be the sweet bell ringer at big lots. it is so cold today and i thought about him standing outside all day. so we got a hot chocolate (only cost $2.29) and were on our way. carter kept asking me where we were going, if we were delivering it to one of my friends, what his name was and so on.

 i pulled up to big lots, got out some change to put in his bucket, grabbed the hot chocolate and made my way up to him. it always make me kinda nervous when i'm giving to someone i don't know, even when i am paying for the person's coffee behind me in the drive thru and they don't see me! i don't know why, maybe because i don't want them to think i'm a weirdo! haha! 

anyway, i just walked up and said "hi! i wanted to drop this off to you! it's so cold outside today! i don't know if you remember me from saturday, i offered you a hot chocolate"

he said "yes, i do! you had your son with you! is he with you today? thank you so much baby!" 

i told him i had carter with me instead and carter wanted to know what his name was. he told me his name was Vince and walked over to the car window and handed carter a candy cane. he was super sweet and thanked me several times. i told him i was thinking about him on this cold day and hope it warmed him up! i also asked if i could snap a quick pic so he got his bell, and stood by the sign and posed, haha! too cute!

just little things like that make my day! and probably his too. and it only cost me $2.29!!! giving doesn't have to be expensive!

sometime this week or next tuesday, make sure you make someone's hands and heart nice and toasty and buy them a hot bevie! {corny... i know, wink}

p.s. if someone could of left a quarter in their shopping cart at Aldi today, that would of been great! i was freezing my booty off trying to find one in my purse! i left mine for the next person! :)