Thursday, June 6, 2013

true love waits

true love waits.... some teenagers probably haven't heard that quote before! it was one of my faves when i was growing up! 

shawn and i celebrate 6 years of marriage this weekend! this post was inspired by one of my favorite traits of his. the one thing that i have always loved about him is that he is such a gentleman. he has been since the time we were dating. 

some people could probably careless but we "saved ourselves for marriage" we dated 7 1/2 years before getting married and that's a long time to wait! haha! i am so glad we did! not once before marriage did shawn ask or try to have sex with me! some people may think that is so weird but to me nothing says i love you more than "i have saved myself for you and only you, for our wedding night"  i will definitely be sharing this with our kids and promoting abstinence! most parents will probably think i'm crazy when the kids get older but "hey honey, if your going to have sex at age 13, let me put you on some birth control" is not happening in my house! just because abstinence is becoming less and less common in high school and college, doesn't mean it's not worth teaching your kids about it. it's definitely not easy but so worth it. in reality, who wouldn't love for their child to wait until marriage?  anyway, i could do a whole other post on abstinence but ill save that for another rainy day! (wink)

that above showed me how much of a gentleman Shawn is! it created so much security and trust in our marriage. he is so sweet and i'm so blessed he chose me to be his wife! 

happy 6 year anniversary shawn! 
love you

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